
Looking for a succulent arrangement to purchase today?

  • Past Everyday Creations

  • Past Holiday Creations

  • What's Growing

Past Everyday Creations

If you can’t find what you’re looking for on our Shop page, Succulentry also designs custom arrangements for individual customer needs and special events. Here is a selection of arrangements sold in the past. If you see something you like, we can use that as inspiration for a new creation for you. Please note image number and contact us here for more information!

Past Holiday Creations

The holidays provide an opportunity to infuse the beauty of the season (and a little fun!) into each design. Here is a selection of holiday arrangements sold in the past. If you can’t find what you’re looking for on our Shop page but you see something you like below, we can use that as inspiration for a new creation for you or your event. Please note image number and contact us here for more information!

What’s Growing

Here’s a look at what’s growing in my garden. It’s constantly changing.
Check back for updates!